We are currently meeting in person and online.
Below are our available links for those joining us online.
Please reach out to the church office if you have any questions (office@faithcommunitymaq.org; 563-652-3373).
Sunday Morning Worship
Live Sunday's @ 10:15am
Recording available any time thereafter
Search for Faith Community Maq in the YouTube app on your smart TV or device.
Youth Ministry
6th-12th grade students are currently meeting in person, Wednesdays at 7:00 PM.
You can reach out to the church office (563-652-3373) if you have any questions.
Children's Ministry
Currently meeting in person on Sundays during the 10:15 AM worship service
Nursery, infant to 3-year-old
Children's Church, 4-years-old to 1st grade
Discipleship Class, 2nd to 5th grade
Wednesday night: Trail Life USA for boys, kindergarten to 5th grade, 5:30-7:00. Meeting weekly during the school year.
Online Giving
Click HERE to give online.
You can also download the "Church Center" app on your device and look for "Faith Community Church" in the churches nearest your location.
We encourage you to set up ACH payments [bank account option]. It is more cost effective for both you and our church.
Other Ways To Give
You can drop off your giving at the church office during regular business hours.
You can also mail checks to:
Faith Community Church
511 W. Summit St.
Maquoketa, IA 52060